Picture of Mads Bertelsen

Mads Bertelsen

Computational Neutron Scattering Scientist

Research Activities

All research have been related to the McStas Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulation package made for simulating neutron scattering instrumentation with the aim of expanding the use from design of instruments to use in connection with experiments. Such simulations can be used for planning experiments, decision-making during experiments and for understanding the collected data after the experiments.

Software projects
guide_bot: https://git.esss.dk/highness/guide_bot 
Python package for setting up and executing numerical optimization of neutron guides with simple user interface. Great for investigating and comparing large numbers of guide solutions for given or varied beam requirements. The previous MATLAB version of the software was heavily used in providing the information necessary for selecting the ESS Butterfly moderator.

McStas Union components: https://github.com/McStasMcXtrace/McCode 
Developed the Union components which were contributed to McStas. These allow modular scattering physics by combining an arbitrary number of scattering process into materials that can be used when specifying geometry of a scattering system. The geometry can be complex and nested, making it possible to simulate systems such as sample environments, filters and detectors where multiple scattering is highly relevant. Also includes flexible logging routines such that neutron scattering and absorption in the system can be visualized.

McStasScript: https://github.com/PaNOSC-ViNYL/McStasScript 
Python API for the McStas package, allowing users to write their instrument description directly in Python as well as running the simulation and working with the data.

Selected Publications

Optimization of moderators and beam extraction at the ESS
Description of the process used for selecting the moderator for the European Spallation Source

The automatic neutron guide optimizer guide_bot
Description and demonstration of the guide_bot software package, here the initial MATLAB version though later a Python version was made.

Constraining neutron guide optimizations with phase-space considerations
Analytical considerations relevant for setting boundary conditions of numerical optimization of neutron guide geometry.

Career History

Physics education at University of Copenhagen with Ph. D under Kim Lefmann with focus on use and development of the McStas Monte Carlo ray-tracing neutron instrument simulation package.

Started working on ESS related simulation projects in 2011 through collaboration between University of Copenhagen.

Joined the Data Management and Software Centre (DMSC) in 2019 as a Post Doc funded by PaNOSC and later HighNESS.

Received Neutron Instrumentation and Innovation Award from the European Neutron Scattering Association in 2022.

Hired as Computational Neutron Scattering Scientist at DMSC late 2023 to continue work on instrument simulations.