ILL and ESS European Users Meeting

The neutron landscape in Europe is going through a period of dramatic change. Two major, national facilities will close by 2020 while substantial investment in a new European facility, ESS, will deliver transformative capabilities and extend the technique to new domains by the middle of the next decade.

  • 03/06/2018: Deadline for abstract submission
  • 14/06/2018: Notification of abstract acceptance
  • 03/07/2018: Early Bird registration deadline
    04/09/2018: Late Bird registration deadline
  • 04/09/2018: Registration closes

After the Millennium upgrade programmes, ILL is currently executing phase one of the Endurance programme to further enhance its instruments and infrastructure and is now preparing a second, more extensive phase of Endurance that will be the basis of future operations well beyond 2023.

The future of neutron scattering is bright, but both the landscape of facilities and the community of users must take a proactive and strategic approach to navigating and managing these changes in a holistic way, in order to ensure the sustainability and vitality of this important research technique.

ILL and ESS therefore feel that it is timely to review recent achievements and the current status and, above all, look forward to new scientific opportunities with neutrons for the next decade.

The User Meeting programme foresees ten keynote speakers on future directions in neutron science, as well as reports on recent achievements and ongoing work at ILL and ESS. There will be ‘focus sessions’ in the User Meeting to highlight several key techniques while satellite events, in parallel with the User Meeting, will allow participants to delve deeper into specific areas of neutron science.


Keynote Speakers

  1. Livia Bove    
    Univ. Jusssieu, Paris    
    Ice clathrates and filled ices under pressure: neutron insights on planetology and gas storage
  2. Markus Braden
    Univ. Koeln    
    Neutron scattering, the ideal tool for multiferroic and magnetoelectricmaterials.
  3. Karen Edler    
    Univ. Bath    
    From monolayers to materials: interfacial studies using neutrons
  4. Andrey Kovalevsky    
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, USA    
    'To be or not to be’ protonated: Answering long-standing biochemical questions with neutron crystallography
  5. Bella Lake    
    Helmholtz, Berlin    
    Neutron scattering studies of Quantum Magnets
  6. Silvia Leoni    
    Univ. Milano    
    Searching for the basics of our world with Nuclear Physics and neutron beams
  7. Michael Preuss    
    Univ. Manchester    
    The role of neutron scattering for the field of engineering
  8. Maikel Rheinstadter    
    McMaster Univ., Canada    
    Neutrons and X-rays for health and disease
  9. Jean-Marie Tarascon    
    Univ. Jules Vernes de Picardie, Amiens    
    Reaction mechanisms at Li(Na) electrode/battery levels via advanced operando techniques
  10. Emmanuela Zaccarelli    
    Univ. Rome    
    Investigation of microgel particles combining computer simulations and neutron scattering experiments

Agreement Between ESS and ILL Signals Increased Cooperation on R&D

The Memorandum of Understanding will bring cooperation on instrument and software development between what has long been the world’s leading neutron science facility, ILL, and ESS, the future global centre of research with neutrons.