With 11 scheduled castings in the target area, almost 800 m3 of concrete has been added to the project. A major casting was successfully carried out for the 'Accelerator to Target' (A2T) vault, which will be about four metres thick and cast in three stages. The first 1.1 m thick layer was completed last year, the second 1.6 m layer have been cast on the east side, and the west section will follow in the next couple of weeks. The last part of the vault is a 1.2 m thick heavy concrete slab. That’s what we call shielding!
The bottom slab for the Lab Building, adjacent to Experimental Hall 2, was also cast, as well as a slab for the Substation Building. Blinding was cast for the Admin area west of the Active Cell, and reinforcement of the Monolith high bay continues.
In the Experimental Hall Buildings, installation of the beams for the overhead crane were completed on the south side, and work has now started on the other side. Epoxy floors are underway for the first floor of one of the Lab Buildings.
Pipe excavations continued along the west gable of the Beamline Gallery and around to the second Lab Building.
A new completely emission-free vibratory rammer for compaction of pipe gussets has been tested. It is battery powered, gives less vibrations when on, and has a simple start/stop solution which makes it less likely to be left in idle mode when not used. In total it enhances the working environment for the operator and those close by.