Installation of the ESS Chip Irradiation (ECHIR) beamline cast-in pipe was performed in the Target area alongside the casting of the Monolith puck foundation. Reinforcement of the Monolith diagonal walls and the entire Active Cells area is approaching completion, with casting soon to follow. Instrument Halls 1 and 2 (D01 and D03) , which flank each side of the Target Station (D02) , are now under construction with the installation of their foundation piling. Two-thirds of the 8,000-square-metre Beamline Gallery (E02) base slab is now set. MEP work across seven different trades continues throughout the Gallery Building (G02) , including the installation of a staircase and drop-ceilings. Construction of the Cryo-Compressor Building (G04) is complete and has been handed over to MEP works. Topfill and retaining wall construction along the south side of the Accelerator tunnel (G01) continues in spite of the low temperatures.