This week saw some major deliveries for the facility’s cryogenics system. The 50-tonne Coldbox was delivered by truck on Tuesday and put into position within the Gallery Building (G02) in preparation for installation. This high-tech vessel is where the final stage of cooling takes place following delivery of the compressed gas from the cryo plant. The Coldbox will bring the temperature of the liquid Helium down to 2 Kelvin (-271 C) and will be used to maintain the temperature of the superconducting cavities that accelerate the ESS proton beam.
On Friday, the first two of 19 nine-metre-high Helium tanks were received on site and installed in the outdoor area adjacent to the Cryo-Compressor Building (G04). The cryogenics team produced a time-lapse video of the first installation. Installations have also begun in the RF Gallery test stand where the klystrons will be tested. Meanwhile, the roof of the Gallery Building is being landscaped one cubic metre of soil at a time as sack after sack will be hoisted into position over the next month.
The long-range Guide Hall (E04, E05) is assuming its shape as the steel and prefab concrete superstructure moves quickly ahead. And finally, notably, the first major wall casting for the Target Station's (D02) Active Cells area is expected to be executed this week: a 1.3-metre-thick heavy concrete wall.