Last week on the construction site, the first casting of the heavy concrete fill between the Target (D02) Monolith walls was successfully completed. The iron ore-infused concrete is indeed heavy, weighing in at an astonishing four tonnes per cubic metre. The backup concrete station for the Target’s Active Cells wall castings was prepared for production, and the massive casting job there is ready to proceed this week.
Steel core piling continues in the area between the Accelerator and Target (A2T), and reinforcement work progressed on the large instrument hall slabs either side of the Target Station (D01 and D03).
Clay backfill of the Accelerator Tunnel (G01) slope is nearing completion in preparation for seed planting this fall.
And SAT3 testing and commissioning of the Gallery Building (G02) systems is ahead of schedule, moving handover of the building to ESS forward by a full month.