The last slab for the Monolith high bay vault has been cast, and construction of two houses for installations on top of the vault is ongoing. Superstructure erection for the Monolith area, as well as the Utility area west of the Monolith where high bay vault castings are now ongoing, will commence in July.
The first high bay casting for Active Cell is scheduled for next week and will be completed using heavy concrete.
Work is in progress with the superstructure erection for the Substation Building.
The first six valve boxes for the ESS Cryogenic Distribution System (CDS) were delivered to site. Installation and positioning is currently in progress, with more valve boxes arriving from ESS Polish in-kind partner, WUST. The purpose of the CDS is to deliver the cooling power, i.e. liquid Helium at a temperature of 4.5 K (-268°C) from the large coldbox (ACCP) to the 43 cryomodules, which will be placed along the superconductive part of the tunnel. Inside the cryomodules, the last bit of cooling will happen; from 4.5K to 2K (-271°C).
Floor castings for the process hall in the Central Utility Building are ongoing, with completion set for June 2019. ABB will install their gear starting in August. E.ON, who are contracted to design and install the excess heat recycling system for ESS, get their first early access in September 2019.
Internal finishes are ongoing for the two scientific labs. Civil construction is completed for the large Experimental Hall and the Beamline Gallery (part 1). Both buildings are subject to Sectional Handover Inspections (SHIN) next week, giving enough time to close all potentially detected issues before handover to ESS in August.
The Logistics Centre, a building in the southeast corner of the site, is scheduled for handover to ESS in August. Flloor treatment in the large hall is currently ongoing, as well as testing and commissioning of all systems. Piping, asphalting and installation of gates is under way on the outside of the building. In June ESS will gain early access to the building - it will then be used for storing of equipment.
Target Facts
The Target station is an extremely heavy construction, built to withstand extreme loads. Therefore, this requires extensive piling, dense reinforcement and concrete, in some parts containing iron ore. In normal house construction, there is typically about 60 kilos of rebars used per m3 concrete; in heavy bridge construction this totals around 200 kg/m3. The ESS Target Building on the other hand, is in some parts packed with approximately 600 kilos of heavy reinforcement per cubic metre of concrete.
For the whole Target area (buildings D01-D08, including 480 metres of culverts, the so-called Installation Galleries) more than 27 000 m3 of concrete has been cast to date, of which 3,400 m3 is heavy concrete (with iron ore from the LKAB mines in the north of Sweden mixed into the recipe). The weight of the heavy concrete is a staggering 3.8 tonnes per m3, which is almost double the weight of normal concrete.
Target Piles in numbers
4 x 55 concrete piles (plus another 2,022 for the Experiment Hall Buildings)
458 steel core piles
62 bored piles
259 RD piles
Target Concrete in numbers (up until end of April 2019)
27 252 m3 cast (of which 3 403 is heavy concrete)
7 561 m3 left to cast (of which 1 198 is heavy concrete)