The installation of roof trusses is now progressing in Experimental Hall 1, and on Wednesday last week, roof truss number 6 was lifted in place. In Experimental Hall 2, the first phase of sandwich panels has been completed, as well as installation of the TRP (Tremco Roof Preservative) roofing over the Monolith/bunker area. ESS's Neutron Scattering Systems division currently has parallel access to the area to install the curved beam and shielding blocks for the bunker. 20 R6 pillars fastened to the previously installed brackets will then follow, and when completed on the Hall 2 side, the same procedure will follow for the Hall1 side.
The rebuilding of the superstructure for the entrance to the Transport Hall is currently under way. Installation of an overhead crane in the Transport Hall will be done mid-June. Internal sealing works between Hall 2 and the beamline gallery were carried out week, and superstructure is set to start for the part 2 area of the beamline gallery shortly.
DTL circulators have been installed in the Normal Conducting Gallery (NCG), and mounting of the waveguides continues. In the Accelerator tunnel, cabling work is progressing in the DTL (Drift Tube Linac) section.
Roof trusses are in place for the Waste Treatment Facility. In the central areas, hollow core slabs have been installed, and the seams were cast last week. Installation of a roof parapet has started and we will also see the steel TRP roof coming in place on top of the roof trusses.
Construction of so-called rain gardens is planned to start this summer. A rain garden is a smart detention system for storm water, where rain water will slowly penetrate layers of vegetation and soil, to avoid flooding in asphalted and other constructed areas on site.
The ESS hatch factory
The hatches that covers the openings in the Target Building are produced on site in a 'hatch production area' . Each hatch is custom-made to fit the opening made in the concrete (from high bay to lower parts), and is cast in-situ on the hatch production platform. 36 hatches in total are being made, weighting between 12 and 88 tonnes (the heaviest ones are for the Active Cells). Four of them were cast in place in the A2T (Accelerator to Target) area, and another 18 are being made in the prefab yard, ready for test lifts later this month. The plan is to have completed all 36 hatches by October 2020. These heavy pieces really are an example of precision work - with very high tolerances on the gap sizes and a logistic complexity due to the heavy weights.