Bunker wall inserts
This week the bunker wall insert for instrument BIFROST was installed in beamline W4 in the west sector of the bunker. The stainless-steel insert contains elliptically profiled copper optics, which will guide the neutrons from the spallation process in Target to the instrument’s sample position. This neutron guide for BIFROST is delivered by in-kind partner Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland, with Swiss Neutronics aligning and vacuum-testing the built-in neutron optics pre-installation.
The bunker wall inserts for ODIN and C-SPEC will be next.
The construction of the ODIN control cabin is in its final stages, with internal finishes and installations almost completed. Construction of the instrument cave will start soon.
Test lifts of the adjusted roof elements for the DREAM cave were performed this week, with internal finishes subject to completion inside the adjacent control cabin. These two instruments occupy the south sector beamlines in Experimental Hall 1.
Bunker cranes
The first of the two bunker cranes has been lifted in place inside Experimental Hall 2. Site Acceptance Tests, including load capacity testing, will follow. The crane on the other side, in Experimental Hall 1, is following. These cranes are necessary for NSS to perform the installation of heavy equipment inside the bunker, as well as for placing all roof elements eventually closing the bunker.
LSS frames
The installation of frames for the so-called Light Shutter System (LSS) has started inside the bunker, with the eight frames for the west sector of the bunker already in place on ground floor level. The LSS frames are placed in a 6-metre radius around the Monolith, with the bottom of each frame sitting on basement level of the Monolith. They provide the interface from the 42 port tubes to the neutron guides.
Target high bay
In preparation for a clean room installation around the Target Monolith, the high bay is being meticulously cleaned, from ceiling to floor. In a few weeks’ time, three-metre-high protective walls with an entrance sluice, changing area and material storage locations, will be built. This is to ensure an as-clean-as-possible environment when the installations inside the Monolith vessel starts. Shielding blocks will be stacked inside, leaving a space to lower the moderator equipment and Target wheel later this year.
Target wheel
The Target wheel, which was installed in a designated space inside the Target Mock-Up and Test Stand (MUTS) last week, will be subject to handling and rotation tests. It sits on the basement level of the MUTS in the Transport Hall building, within a clean room confinement. Next step will be to install the shaft and drive unit.
Test Stand 4
Preparations are underway to provide a space for testing the second Ion Source, delivered by in-kind partner INFN, Italy, with the purpose to act as a spare and future upgrade of the existing Ion Source. The workshop is currently located in the north part of the Klystron Gallery, adjacent to Test Stand 3 and the workshop for the Drift Tube Linac structures.
The fence has been rebuilt and installation of electrical and cooling racks will follow.