Normal Conducting Linac
RF conditioning of the Drift Tube Linac (DTL) is completed. A Safety Readiness Review has been held and beam commissioning from Ion Source to DTL4 is to start on April 17.
Superconducting Linac
In the superconducting linac, the pilot installation of two cryomodules is ongoing. The interfaces between the cryomodule and the valvebox are subject to some alteration works. By starting with only two modules, issues can be detected and addressed early for a smoother process when the cryomodule serial installation begins this summer.
Another high beta cryomodule was delivered from French in-kind partner CEA, which means seven out of the 21 high beta modules are on the ESS site, getting ready for additional testing.
DTL workshop
Drift tubes are in place in the last DTL tank, DTL5, and connection of the last two modules (4 and 5) is under way. DTL5 will be installed in the tunnel after the beam commissioning up to DTL4 is completed.
The Drift Tube Linac of ESS is an in-kind contribution from Italian INFN, who also performs the work in the cleanroom and workshop on the ESS site.
The welding of pipes to the level 4 shielding blocks was completed this week, with pressure tests following. Next up will be vacuum tests and alignment measurements, before the next level shielding blocks are installed.
TMP test installation
The Target Monitoring Plug (TMP) was subject to test installation in its designated space inside the Target Monolith vessel this week. This was performed to verify the spatial position and fit.
The TMP, located downstream of the target wheel, is essentially a diagnostic tool that is designed to measure various properties of the target, such as its position, temperature, mechanical alignment and vibrations. This information is important for ensuring that the target is operating correctly.
German In-Kind partner Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) are responsible for the design and manufacturing of the TMP system.
Modification works to the moderator twister are in progress. The twister has been machined and now the plug will also be filed down to a better fit.
When the improvement works are completed, the moderator and reflector plug will be installed inside the Target test stand to test the fit to the spinning wheel.
Active Cell
The installation of pit lids to the waste pits in the Active Cell’s maintenance cell is nearing completion, with only a couple of lids left to place. One to four lids will cover the openings to the waste compartments, which will be used for future storage of components from the Target processes that has reached the end of their life time.
The entire process of moving Target Monolith components from the process cell, where cutting and treatment takes place, to the waste pits is fully automated, utilising robotics and remote handling systems. The grapple crane will be programmed to perform the lifts unassisted.
The Active Cells facility is designed, delivered and installed by RACE as part of the UK in-kind contribution to ESS via UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA).
Neutron Beam Port Plugs and Inserts
The last batch of Neutron Beam Port Inserts have now been delivered from Italian manufacturer Fantini. This means all 16 inserts, for the 15 instruments and the Test Beamline, have arrived at ESS.
The installation of inserts and plugs was completed in the south sector and has now moved on to the north sector, where inserts for instruments LOKI and FREIA are to be placed.
The sector 1 neutron guide has been installed and vacuum tested. Upper shielding blocks are put in place over the guide in the E02 Beamline Gallery.
The neutron guides will transport neutrons from the target to the sample position of each instrument. The optics inside the casing contain supermirrors, which will reflect and transmit the neutrons with minimal loss. The neutron guide system plays a crucial role in maximising the performance and scientific output at ESS.
The neutron guide installation was completed inside the bunker and has continued from bunker to cave. Inside the DREAM cave, electrical works with ducting for cables are starting up.
The bunker wall feedthrough guide is in place.
The shielding walls around the sample area is subject to installation.
Preparations of the in-bunker components are under way for instrument ESTIA. Vacuum tests of the chopper and feeder are in progress.
Works are also ongoing with the Selene guides, a type of superfocusing neutron guide. Installation of alignment robot, metrology cart is ongoing, with a temporary network to test the functionality.
ESTIA is covered by an in-kind contract with Swiss Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI).