In-Kind Contributions
The ESS facility is a huge and highly complex jigsaw puzzle. The 13 ESS member states contribute to the construction of ESS via financial and in-kind contributions, exchanging knowledge and know-how across Europe.
ESS works with more than 40 European partner institutions under the in-kind model. Each partner brings their knowledge, personnel, and experience to the construction in the form of in-kind contributions. An in-kind contribution may cover technical components, design documentation, personnel needed to perform installation and testing, or other services.
The vast majority of bespoke technical equipment and services is provided as in-kind contributions to ESS.
When in operations, ESS will continue to identify and promote more opportunities for in-kind contributions in the member states. Available in-kind opportunities to the ESS Initial Operations phase are listed in the In-Kind Cost Book for Initial Operations.
ESS In-Kind Partners
The ESS In-Kind Model
The process of identifying an in-kind partner starts with ESS detailing the scope of work, including a cost value estimate and timescale, needed in the various project areas. These are detailed in a in-kind Cost Book, a catalogue of all the potential in-kind opportunities.
Potential partner institutions evaluate the in-kind packages with an option to respond with an Expression of Interest.
The selection process starts with a discussion between the potential partner and ESS to reach an agreement on the scope, schedule and cost. The In-kind Review Committee (IKRC) evaluates all in-kind agreement proposals that are reached and signed, and decides on their recommendation.
Finally, the ESS Council reviews and approves all In-Kind Contributions.
Once an agreement is in place, funding from the member state’s agreed budget is released to the partner and work can begin. Each In-Kind Partner works in close collaboration with ESS, with continuous monitoring of the work package and a set of agreed key milestones and deliverables.
When the work is completed, the partner submits a final report for the contribution. Based on the final evaluation by ESS Council, the member country receives credit for the value of the In-kind Contribution.
Each In-Kind Partner is fully responsible for the technical, financial, and commercial aspects of the agreed delivery.