Last week on the construction site, initial work began on the circular walls around the pit of the Target wheel and tungsten disc. Casting of pile caps and base slabs continued in Experimental Hall 1 (D01) and Experimental Hall 2 (D03).
Another wall casting of the west side of the Monolith is planned this week. Foundation work also continued in the area between the Accelerator tunnel and Target building, including for pile caps, formwork and installation of a pre-cast escape hatch.
Excavation and piping will soon begin for the 2000- square-metre Logistics Centre (FO3) building to be used for shipping, receiving and storing of goods. It will be located close to the Front End Building (FEB). Excavation and preparation for process piping by the Gallery Northern Road is ongoing.
The Cryo-Compressor Building (G04) is preparing to receive a delivery of pure helium, which will fill three of the large tanks adjacent to the building, as well as 7,000 liters of oil used for helium compression. In preparation for handover to ESS in May, the Central Utility (H01) building’s sprinkler system was tested.