At the ESS Construction site, multiple castings have been carried out in the Target Section in the first days of this week: including three Monolith wall sections, pile caps in the Utility area, the first two base slabs on Experimental Hall 2 (D03) west side as well as four pile caps in the Accelerator-to-Target (A2T) area.
In the Cryo Compressor Building G04, ESS is about to commission parts of the cryogenic system. Gas cylinders containing helium have arrived to site and a couple of tanks have been filled up. The smallest compressor, inside the Test & Instruments CryoPlant (TICP) hall, will be commissioned first, feeding it with helium gas to be compressed. ESS Integrated Control Systems (ICS) division last week successfully tested the control system, which enables filling the tanks with helium from the local control room on site.
The helium system at ESS is a closed system; after the helium has been used for cooling different parts of the facility, such as the Accelerator cryomodule cavities, it will be recycled back to the recovery balloon, cleaned and purified and finally restored into the helium tanks outside to be used again.