The elevator up to high bay and roof level by is due to be dismantled and a new lift has been installed by the A2T (Accelerator to Target) next to Experimental Hall 2. This will allow work on the installation of roof trusses for Experimental Hall 1 to begin.
Flooring work in Lab 1A is due to start. Level 110 erection, including seams, have been completed in the Target Entrance, and more steel for level 120 will be added. ESS's main control room will be located on level 110 of this building.
Sandwich and roof work in the High Bay has been completed over the Active Cell, and is ongoing over the Transport Hall. The plan is to have the High Bay crane operating across the entire area by early May, at which point the Target Building will also be weathertight.
Scaffolding for the NMX cave is in position and will facilitate the installation of the next layer of precast walls. When finished, the cave will be 7.3 metres tall with a wall thickness of 90 cm.
The last noise barrier by Odarslövsvägen is due to be removed, as the earthworks in this area need to be completed. Mounting of the retaining wall along the north side of the Dog Leg ramp is ongoing (L-shaped supports).
Halo over Skåne: Many in Skåne saw the remarkable light show in the sky last Tuesday lunchtime. An optical phenomenon called a “halo”, where the sun light interacts with ice crystals in the atmosphere and creates a ring of light. The ice crystals act as prisms or mirrors reflecting the light. Several rainbow-coloured reflections could also be seen around the horizontal circle of light. A celestial wonder!