The very first roof truss for Experimental Hall 1 were installed last week. On this side, the roof trusses are an impressive 52 metres long! In Experimental Hall 2, where a majority of the roof trusses are already in place, sandwich panel mounting is set to start. Superstructure is also progressing for the lab building 1A, where steel for level 2 is being erected. In the Transport Hall, the long pillars connecting to the rear of the Target Entrance building are in place, and steel erection for the frame around the entry point to the hall is also progressing steadily. In the Accelerator to Tunnel (A2T), steel is now mounted for the top floor.
12 drain tanks and seven pumps are in place inside the Utility Building, and to keep the equipment stable, under-grouting is performed. Piping work to connect all systems is also under way. In the Active Cell, stainless steel liners to cover the entire walls and floors of both cells are being mounted. The liner above the crane rails in both cells is completed, and that for the lower parts of the walls of the maintenance cell are ongoing. Process cell walls will then follow, and then finally floors. The plan is to have both cells completed by the summer.
In the Monolith, R6 brackets, 20 on the Experimental Hall 2 side and 22 on the Experimental Hall 1 side, are in place. This will be followed by 4 (2 on each side) diagonal wall brackets, starting on the Hall 2 side next week. Soon, the area will be ready for the next step; R6 pillar and beam installation.
Wall erection is in progress for the NMX cave, and when completed, installation of a large steel door and internal crane will follow. After this, roof elements and epoxy painting of all surfaces will complete the NMX cave project (early June). This summer, we will see the start of construction for the next cave inside Experimental Hall 3, BI-FROST, and late summer the installation of the BEER neutron guide system will start in the Beam Line Gallery.
Besides the various infrastructure works ongoing inside the Gallery and Tunnel (piping, cabling, connections etc), the ESS RF group, together with other work packages, are busy placing and installing waveguide components into the steel structures in the RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) and DTL (Drift Tube Linac) areas. The purpose of the Radio Frequency Distribution System (RFDS) is to transport RF power via waveguides from the power sources (Klystrons), located above ground in the gallery building, through chicanes (stubs), to the RF cavities (inside the cryomodules) below ground in the accelerator tunnel.
A few smaller casting jobs were completed for Waste Treatment Facility H09 last week; A funnel-like collector for the ventilation system, a base slab for an exterior spiral staircase, and the entrance area for the central hall. Here, lorries will be able to drive inside to unload waste from the facility for further treatment and monitoring. All floors will be equipped with epoxy and all walls are subject to surface treatment. By mid-May, roof works will start for this building.