Normal Conducting Linac
Preparations are under way to obtain beam authorisation for beam up to the DTL faraday cup.
Beam commissioning, sending beam from the Ion Source through the Low Energy Beam Transport (LEBT), Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) and Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) to Drift Tube Linac tank 1, is expected to start as soon as pre-beam verifications and dry runs are completed.
Cryomodule tests
All four cavities of the previously untested cryomodule (CM04) currently installed inside a test stand bunker have been conditioned. Cool down tests, cooling the cavities to 2 Kelvin, are now under way.
Klystron Gallery Power Sources
High power tests continue in the Radio-Frequency (RF) cells equipped with klystrons and modulators. Polish in-kind partner IFJ PAN is performing the tests, checking the proper functionality and reliability of the power sources.
Experimental Halls
BIFROST chopper pit installation
The base structure for the BIFROST bandwidth chopper is in place in the Beamline Gallery, the fan-shaped hall where beamlines for the long instruments are located. Next, a steel structure for a guide beam will be installed through the base. Chopper housing, neutron guide and control racks will follow.
In-bunker installations
With the bunker wall insert in place, in-bunker activities for BIFROST is expected to start. Drilling has already been performed in the concrete floor, paving the way for the installation of neutron guides and bunker chopper bases.
Bunker wall inserts
Casings for bunker wall inserts for instruments ODIN and DREAM are in place. Inserts, containing neutron optics, will be placed through the south sector bunker wall. CSPEC and NMX, in the west sector, are also being prepared for wall inserts.
Drilling and grouting of baseplates is in progress in the area between the bunker and the cave. Delivery of in-bunker components, including the chopper assembly, is expected in the next weeks.
Bunker cranes
Installation and test lifts are ongoing for the cranes both sides of the bunker.
Monolith clean room
The clean room confinement covering the Monolith’s connection cell area is under construction. The first delivery of inner shielding blocks has been received. Installation of these can begin once the clean room is in place.
LSS frames
The eight upper frames for the Light Shutter System (LSS) in the west sector are in place, with the lower part of the system being connected from the basement level of the Monolith.
Next month the LSS frames for the north sector will follow, and then the south and east sectors later this summer.
The shaft for the Target wheel has been lifted in place on top of the Target wheel inside the Mock-Up and Test Stand (MUTS) in the Transport Hall. Further installations will follow, including the drive unit. The plan is to perform handling and rotation tests in the MUTS, prior to installations into the Target Monolith vessel before the end of this year.