Warm Coupler Conditioning Completed - ESS Accelerator Prepares for Cold Operation

WCC team
A significant team effort: Celebrations in the ESS Main Control Room after the completion of the warm coupler conditioning of the 27 cryomodules needed for Accelerator Commissioning.

With the completion of the warm conditioning of all 82 couplers in the spoke, medium beta and high beta sections, all 27 cryomodules in the superconducting linac (SCL) section of the ESS accelerator have been declared ready for cooldown. 

The warm coupler conditioning started in June this year, with the first coupler in the spoke section receiving the first radio-frequency (RF) pulse. Thanks to extensive collaboration between multiple teams and partner institutions, this crucial phase was successfully completed on October 18, setting the stage for the start of cold operation of the linac.

Coupler conditioning is a critical step in the integration of multiple, independently tested systems. It involves synchronising cryomodules, RF systems, power converters, vacuum systems, cooling infrastructure, and control software, ensuring they operate in harmony with local protection systems to safeguard the correct configuration of the accelerator's components. This phase not only verifies the hardware's performance but also provides a valuable opportunity for procedural testing and cross-team training, essential in preparation for beam commissioning in 2025.


Cryomodules in the ESS Superconducting Linac.

In the coming weeks, efforts will shift towards preparing the machine for cooldown. This will involve completing the commissioning of the backup compressor, conducting final leak checks on all cryogenic lines, verifying control systems, and completing pre-start reviews. The cold conditioning process will begin once all 27 cryomodules reach a stable temperature of 2K in the tunnel, marking the final step before the cavities can be declared ready for beam operations.

This milestone represents a substantial collaborative achievement, with contributions from various teams across ESS and its partner institutions. The elliptical cryomodules (medium and high beta) were assembled at CEA (France), and the spoke cryomodules at IJCLab (France), with cavities provided by INFN (Italy), STFC (UK), and IJCLab. The spoke cryomodules underwent testing at the FREIA lab at Uppsala University (Sweden), and the elliptical cryomodules were tested at an on-site test stand, in close collaboration with IFJPan (Poland). The conditioning process was led by the Linac Group in the Accelerator Division, with significant support from the RF, Power Converters, and Vacuum Groups, as well as Controls in ICS, Radiation Protection (RP), and the Main Control Room (MCR) in Operations.

This achievement is a significant step toward ESS assuming full ownership of these critical accelerator components for reliable facility operations.

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Conditioning in action! Scope traces of forward power to the cavity (yellow), the arc light (red) and electron pickup signals (purple) in the coupler vacuum envelope, indicating formation of a low density plasma performing the surface cleaning process. Interlock levels are set to avoid abrupt discharges during the process and gently prepare the coupler surfaces to handle the full nominal power needed for operation.

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The conditioning application, fully developed at ESS by the SRF team with strong support from the Integrated Control System (ICS) division. It allows the running of the process in a controlled way according to a predefined sequence which increases the RF pulse energy up to full nominal conditions for operation. The same tool will be used for the starting phase of the cold conditioning operation, where the sequences will be performed once more to properly achieve coupler surface conditioning before tuning the cavities and starting the cavity conditioning process itself.