Visit of Canadian Neutron Science Delegation to ESS

A high-level delegation of scientists, institutional directors and government representatives will travel from Canada for a series of meetings and exchanges with representatives from ESS and its Host States.

The presentations and discussions will focus on the current and future state of neutron science in Canada and Europe, including current research, research infrastructures, and collaboration opportunities.

This three-day event is a follow-up to ESS's October 2016 visit to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering's (CINS) annual meeting, and aims to strengthen relations between ESS and the Canadian neutron user community.

The meetings will take place variously at ESS HQ in Lund, the ESS construction site and at the Admiral Hotel in Copenhagen between Tuesday, November 21, and Thursday, November 23.

BrightnESS EU



Science Using Neutrons

Neutron scattering at ESS will offer unparalleled insights into matter's structure and function across various scientific disciplines. ESS's advanced capabilities promise groundbreaking research opportunities in physics, chemistry, biology, and more.

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Canadian State Visit Puts ESS Collaboration in the Spotlight

ESS was the site of a roundtable discussion featuring King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, the Governor General of Canada, and the research ministers of the two nations.

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