Last week at the construction site, casting continued in the Target Station Area with the last of the 4-meter-thick A2T (Accelerator to Target) tunnel walls cast.
This week decking of the formwork for the vault will proceed with installation of reinforcement to follow. A heavy wall in the Active Cells Building was also cast last week.
In Gallery Building (G02) the third Coldbox is now in position in the Coldbox Hall. This is the Target Moderator Cryoplant (TMCP) Coldbox, that will provide 15-20K helium cooling for ESS’ Target moderator hydrogen circuits. The moderators will slow the neutrons down to an energy level useful for scattering experiments. In the Klystron Gallery, all the waveguide support systems have been erected along the hall.
This week the first bottom slab for floors inside the ESS Logistics Building (F03) will be cast. Reinforcement works are currently ongoing and the building is now weather-tight.