Commissioning of the high bay overhead crane for special lifts is ongoing. Test lifts with heavy weights have been performed, including a lift with excess weight of 144 tonnes where the max. capacity is meant to be 115 tonnes. These tests are important to ensure this crane has the required quality and stamina.
Next, an external crane control body will perform the Site Acceptance Test over 3 days, and it is expected that ESS will get access to the crane on Thursday to start training and preparations to lift in the Monolith Vessel from the Transport Hall to Monolith high bay. The vessel is currently on route to Sweden from in-kind partner ESS Bilbao in Spain and is expected to arrive at the ESS site very soon.
The Target stack, rising 45 metres above ground level, has been installed in the Accelerator to Target building. This main stack, an airflow outlet for cold air, will incorporate connection flanges for incoming ductwork connections and holds monitoring equipment and filtering systems for airflow quality.
In the Transport Hall, the ESS mock-up and test stand installation is complete at the back of the Transport Hall. Metal sheet cladding on the high bay facades of Transport Hall is ongoing and is expected to be completed for this area shortly. Sandwich panel installation has started for the entrance to the building.
Experimental Halls & Labs
The next crane to be installed on the ESS site, will be the Experimental Hall 2 overhead crane. The goal is to have this operational before the end of October.
ESS Neutron Scattering Systems (NSS) division are currently installing the steel framework for the shielding bunker inside the instrument hall, and are set to start the installation of concrete shielding blocks late October/early November. As they will start with the outer frame, the overhead crane can be used for the first lifts.
The bunker crane girder will be installed in time for ESS NSS to lift the inner concrete blocks later in November.
Inside Experimental Hall 3, construction of the BIFROST scientific cave continues, as well as electrical infrastructure works.
Roofing for the Beamline Gallery connecting to Experimental Hall 3, is soon to be completed, and sandwich panel installation will follow.
Waste Treatment Facility
A second stack, which sits outside the Waste Treatment Facility building, arrived on Thursday morning and was installed the same day. This ventilation stack came in one 25-metre-long piece and was bolted to a precast platform. Once position and straightness have been confirmed by surveyors, under grouting will be performed to secure it tightly.
The installation of metal facades continues for the Waste Treatment Facility and installation works progress inside the building.