The Front End Building was handed over to the ESS Accelerator Division on Friday, with preparations underway for installation of the ion source in November.
The Accelerator’s 50-tonne Coldbox has been encapsulated in scaffolding for installation of the connecting pipes and associated gear, while the extensive piping of the Cryo-Compressor Building (G04) continues next door.
The Gallery Building (G02) is in the process of being energized, and for safety purposes it should be assumed that all electrical embedments are now live. Overhead, the Green roof has progressed and is now only two weeks away from seed planting. In the Target area (D02), casting of the first Active Cells heavy concrete wall has been postponed, but casting of the Monolith continues moving rapidly with only four castings remaining at the current level, including the rounded sections that will encase the target wheel. Base slabs are being cast in the adjacent instrument halls (D01) and out at the long-range halls (E01, E05) 150 metres to the west the two-tonne steel beams for the E-buildings superstructure are being bolted in one by one. And finally, Tuesday of this week will see the casting of the top slab for the 9-metre-high Sprinkler Building (H10).