A series of joint ESS-MAX IV colloquia kicked off today at ESS
Martin Månsson, Associate Professor of Applied Physics and Neutron Scattering at KTH, the Royal Insititute of Technology, Stockholm, was the guest speaker at the first of a series of colloquia with the topic "NaV2O4: Low-dimensional Magnet or Energy Storage Material - or both?”. The talk covered how one material that has such disparate properties - magnetic at low temperatures yet allows ion diffusion at room temperature - is promising for energy storage applications, as well as how these properties are related.
The aim of the colloquia, jointly arranged by ESS and MAX IV and to be held every month, with the venue alternating between MAX IV and ESS, is to bring the science made possible by neutrons and synchrotron radiation into focus, and to bring people at ESS and MAX IV, and the local science community, together.