PhD study presented on the ERIC regulation at ESS

Charlotte and PhD
Charlotte Hartelius Klaar, ESS Programme Manager, welcomed Assistant Professor Dr. Arnljótur Astvaldsson from Reykjavik University and Lund University to ESS to present his PhD study “European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) as governed by EU law and Swedish law: A study on a European Union legal form within the Swedish legal system.”
ERIC PhD book

“European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) as governed by EU law and Swedish law: A study on a European Union legal form within the Swedish legal system.” by Assistant Professor Dr. Arnljótur Astvaldsson.

Last Thursday, the European Spallation Source ERIC had the pleasure of welcoming Assistant Professor Dr. Arnljótur Astvaldsson from Reykjavik University and Lund University to present his PhD study, titled "European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) as Governed by EU Law and Swedish Law: A Study on a European Union Legal Form within the Swedish Legal System."

The legal framework for an ERIC is a specific legal form designed to facilitate the establishment and operation of research infrastructures of European interest. Among other benefits, it provides legal capacity recognised in all EU Member States. On August 19, 2015, the European Commission implemented the decision to establish the European Spallation Source as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), meaning ESS officially became an ERIC.

The European Commission continues to advance the implementation of the ERIC Regulation. Last September, the ERIC Forum 2 Project, which is part of Horizon Europe and funded by the European Research Executive Agency (REA), was launched. The project aims, among other things, to support the implementation of the ERIC Regulation, with ESS actively participating.

”It was an honour and privilege for us to welcome Professor Arnljótur Astvaldsson to share his expertise on this strategically important subject during his presentation.”

Charlotte Hartelius Klaar, Programme Manager, ESS Administration Directorate

In June this year, the European Commission organised a meeting where the ERIC Forum Committee and representatives from various ERICs were invited to discuss ERICs as Strategic Assets of the European Research Area, alongside challenges related to governance, financial sustainability, and varying national contexts. Anders Ihr, Director of Administration at ESS, represented ESS at this meeting.


ERIC Forum 2.0 – Synergies for European Research:

The Second Implementation Project for the ERIC Forum:

Research Portal Lund University - You can find the Abstract here: